If you are looking for a trusted source for high-quality, traceable, USA-grown natural hemp CBD, Criticality can deliver on quality, quantity, and an established, reliable supply to meet your demand requirements. We provide bulk customers the same production and quality rigor as we use in making our own consumer-facing brand, Korent.
It starts with quality raw materials. Criticality has relationships with local and family farms spanning decades, and we only accept hemp that passes all our internal quality control standards. This means our farmers know our standards are high and therefore supply us with their finest raw hemp. It also means we reject raw materials at a rate much higher than many CBD suppliers. Quality input makes quality output, and we live by that mantra.
Our brand new, 55,000 square foot, gleaming, state-of-the-art facility employs patented supercritical CO2 extraction technology used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to produce CBD oil with incredible standardization with regard to color, viscosity, CBD concentration, and scent.
We also provide our customers access to SENTRI™ , our powerful, patented technology to ensure quality and transparency from plant to shelf.
Let’s talk about how Criticality can get you in the CBD game and do it right the first time. Click here to have a sales representative contact you.